Report: NCAA issues UNC a new notice of allegations


The NCAA has issued North Carolina another amended notice of allegations, according to

According to the report, the latest ANOA “reinstates aspects of the original first notice that were then altered for the amended notice.”

In June 2014, the NCAA reopened its investigation into academic improprieties at North Carolina. The school received its original notice of allegations in May 2015, but the process was put on hold when the university self-reported new findings before submitting its response. That led to an amended notice of allegations sent to UNC this past April. In its response, the school argued that the NCAA stepped outside its jurisdiction with the charges in the ANOA, which included lack of institutional control.

The school met with the NCAA for a jurisdictional hearing — a rare step in the process — in October. UNC will have 90 days upon receipt of the newest ANOA to respond to the NCAA.